New Strangeness

Because we love you and wish that you have a brave new weird, here's our OFFICIAL UWall.TV Mordichai Music Playlist...

New Strangeness:

Happy thoughts to those whose houses are getting blasted at this moment. Drop your weapons, EVERYONE! You're grown people for heaven's sake. Grow up and stop being so greedy and selfish. How many more children are going to die because of the almighty dollar? These skirmishes are political and monetary and have no bearing on the well being of the many, simply only a few. Those with the power to do something about it, fly at 'er as there are many who simply only can pray.

Love and light dear fellow citizens of Earth.

Widgets and Players * Vonnegut Sludge

Widgets and Players 

We've Widgets and Players to help make your day a little more exciting.  

 These lovely little things can be SHARED and LIKED and our ReverbNation label page can be subscribed to as well for the latest updates on all of your favorite artists from Mordichai Music.

We'll start with the Vonnegut Sludge widget for instance. It comes in a great visually stunning box with all the right links, incidentally in the upper right hand corner. If you are already familiar with these great one-stop boxes, please pass them on to your friends if you think they'd enjoy them.
Remember Mordichai Music has more to offer than just a bunch of very lovely melodic noise. LOL Even though we are quite fond of it.
Be certain to enjoy the fruits of our labor more fully and completely by utilizing the menu links on this Vonnegut Sludge widget. :)  

Happy Listening!

Mordichai Music | Victoria, BC, CA | Artist Roster, Shows, Schedules, and Releases | ReverbNation

Mordichai Music | Victoria, BC, CA | Artist Roster, Shows, Schedules, and Releases | ReverbNation

Find what you're missing, Embrace YOUR STRANGE and uncover the secrets of your soul.  Or at least hear something different for a change.  We offer a wide variety of artists ranging from new punk, to neo-classical, alternative rock to techno and industrial noise.

Our founder, Mordichai, alone has nearly 30 years in the film and music industries.  Combined skills and assets of our little company are huge even before you count our past lives on this Earth, in this plane.  We've come to the consideration that music and art need to be free from their commercial restraints and although we do have bills to pay, we understand that in this economy not everyone can actually afford some little luxuries like a band t-shirt or even a ringtone.  We also understand that there are those who still are above water in this economy, and encourage them to purchase what they like in order for us to help freely provide to all.

That being said, we've added a PAYPAL button to the site for those like ourselves who like to give a little extra knowing our only return is knowing we've helped someone a little today.  If you'd like to leave a little with us in return for a likely unseen smile, here's your opportunity:


So if you're in need of a smile, you're in for a treat because we've got them at different rates, and hey if you do not donate, contribute or buy anything from us, we so won't hate you for it. That's the thing. We know how hard most people work for their money and how little we get to keep after taxes. It's one of those win win things for us because we have so much experience in the "industries" of entertainment that we just feel it's time, the internet and social media can take the wizard out from behind the curtain to reveal the wizard in all of us.

That being said, we are please to announce that the NEW aBSYNTh of dEATh album, "asperations of Gold" as well as Acidic Dreamtime Players' debut "Dot Matrix" are nearly complete.

Keep checking or SUBSCRIBE to Our YouTube Channel for all of our newest, latest, dopest, sweetest videos.

all contents within the blogposts of
All rights reserved.

Welcome to inside the dream, a brief history of 

Mordichai Music (the difference is the *i*)TM 

(& everything)


designs by Mordichai




apocalyptic trends

Sometimes it's hard to find something that isn't what you have been experiencing. 
Could be music, movies, even your wardrobe.

Maybe that's why we're different.  Maybe that's what the years of combined experience in the film, music, fashion, well the industries of creative entertainment and decorative personal coverings for one's fleshy vessel.

We at the Monster Voodoo Funhouse, (that's our little nickname for headquarters) have created out new reality.  We have still art, short films (to come), a feature film in the works, a little book of poetry by our beloved founder, Mordichai, as well as music from our fine acts. 

If you are in the mood for some classical type music, Hessistant or Meditations For Monsters may be up your alley.  If your manifest reality dictates you need some new punk in 2012, then Kryogenic and Dead Planet Society would be a great place to start for great music.

Mordichai Music entire roster BUY LINK
from AmazonMP3

You can find our entire roster on ReverbNation HERE
 Follow Mordichai Music on Twitter HERE
LIKE us on Facebook HERE

Search Engine Submission - AddMe

Nina Ghostflowers

enjoy Nina Ghostflowers: Clothing Gifts for our Lovlies

Buy our music from AmazonMP3

Player Widget

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Find Gigs

Help yourself to our groovy little Mordichai Music widget and share it with friends.  Choose the video from the top menu of the widget to enjoy the videos from the artists on the Mordichai Music roster.

We are a very independent entity which provides absurd and surreal entertainment in the form of literature, film, music videos, and music; and the odd bit of painting, sculpture or other media. We, the collective, work in all genres, and many times without credit, as it is about the art and not the personality who produced it. It's not our place to judge, nor is judgment meant to come from that statement towards any one.

We enjoy making and producing works which will at least enhance and expand the comfort zones without having the dramatic undertones of violence. However, zombies often integrate themselves into our work, and we often seem like a team of mad scientists in a good old B movie trying to 'Frankenstein' the pods of thought together.

Of course this all could just be non-sense from a nonsensical collective of artists who love what they do, but really are uncomfortable that to have this type of entity solidify itself, it had to succumb to the cancer of the economic aspect of not only the creative world, but in all the world.... unfortunately.

We are a small record label who produce industrial, punk, experimental, neo-classical, techno, house, and a bit more music as well as in-house music videos.
Bands in our roster who have released (or about to release) music via Mordichai Music: aBSYNTh of dEATh, Acidic Dreamtime Players, Dead Planet Society, Hessistant, Kryogenic, Meditations For Monsters, Nina Ghostflowers, Unk Ben, Vonnegut Sludge;

absolution (how to feed dragons) by Mordichai

absolution (how to feed dragons)

by Mordichai