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Dream Pillow ep release
Dream Pillow ~ EP from
Acidic Dreamtime Players
@AcidicDreamtime #DreamPillow
One more soon to be off the presses release here from Acidic Dreamtime Players, Mordichai Music's very own invisible friends. They're kind of like the man behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz we hardly ever see them and yet somehow they get so much productive work done it is unreal. It is always a pleasure to have them in our studios even this as I said we don't even see them most of the time, but when we do it is always awesome times.
We have no solid release date as yet however, if you were to follow them on Twitter (you can find the link above) or subscribe to these posts you're sure to be informed the moment it is available. And as far as availability goes it will be available exclusively at Amazon mp3.
Well, have a great day people, and thank you for sharing your time with us.
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