Give A Little, Get It All Back:
The Benefits of 'Paying It Forward' in the Entertainment Industry
Now, we aren't looking to tug at your heartstrings or try to talk you into being something you don't want to be, or change you in anyway... that's your job.
The reason for this opening disclaimer is to forewarn you dear reader, that what's to follow is only about charitable contributions. If that doesn't interest you, don't bother reading any further.
Enjoy our artists from our #ReverbNation hub. We wonder why we even bother having a website of our own sometimes because the ReverbNation site has links to the entire Mordichai Music (& everything) UniVerse, and a little bit more.
Our shortened URL, will take you there. It is the only place online where you can help our artists participate in the #MusicForGood program where 50% of song sales go to charities like Oxfam America, CARE, Love Hope Strength, Beat Making Labs, Charity: Water, Half the Sky Movement and Keep a Child Alive. Each one of our artists has given something to one of these charities, and as we've already mentioned, you can only be a contributing party to these charities through our artists on our site and those ReverbNation sites associated with the label and our artists. Share the shortened URL with your friends on Facebook and Twitter and give them something different to listen to as well as an opportunity to make a contribution to making this beautiful planet of ours a more comfortable place for us all.
The only way we know how to help, is by helping ourselves to ensure we are at our best, then find "holes" in the community which have been neglected, ignored, forgotten, or just not seen, and fill in those holes with respect and courtesy. From there it all flourishes like a new seedling. This is how we choose our bands and artists, our writers and art department staff; it is how we choose our actors and props department, wardrobe and make-up, and yes our marketing people as well.
These people help put together the videos and music, album artwork and social network images.
These people choose to make a conscious contribution to their communities and the planet as a whole, to fix those holes.
If we don't, who will, and if nobody does, do we really want to look at the mess we could have prevented and repaired with a little understanding and compassion?