The REAL New World Order
Yesterday, our beloved founder and fearless leader, Mordichai, had changed his status on his personal Facebook account. That's not usually too exciting, many people do it several times a day but it is what he had posted that caught our attention. We have asked and received special permission to re-post his words, so without further adieu, here is the foundation for the REAL New World Order:
"It isn't that my perspective has changed, or that yours has necessarilybut that we've always seen what we havefrom interpretations of our own experiences based on what we've absorbed over time.This means that it is not only unlikely but highly improbably, in fact, near IMPOSSIBLEfor two people to truly experience somethingfrom the EXACT perspective.Like seeing a photograph from 3 meters away
and looking at that same photo from 10 centimeters
distance. We get the experience of seeing from
where we are, like no other. That's cool.
If we all shared these perspectives
perhaps we'd get to see the art gallery
holding this photograph, rather than seeing it
only from 10cm, 3 meters, or wherever you
see it from.
There is definitely more than meets the eye
in this instance as most humans only have two
physical eyes from which to interpret their
visual realities. Some are blind and hone better
skills with the other senses than sighted people
to adapt.
Perhaps we can adapt a little and be a little more
patient with each other, and ourselves. Quantum
Physics says we're all connected. If nothing else,
we are all connected by this experience, collectively
in the here and now, by being aware that others
are experiencing the same things you are and
having a different reality based on their interpretation
of how our reality had been described to them.
I'm not suggesting that a duck isn't a duck or a pen not
being a writing instrument, but if I said duck, my inflection
may suggest to one that they were to lower their
body to the ground and another's interpretation
may be that of a tasty meal; and ducks can be kept
in a pen and the number of eggs recorded using
a pen. Much room for error here by my account,
which is why it seems logical that a little more
patience and a little more courtesy and respect
for one another, may just be what the doctor
ordered for this world which may be seen as not
very orderly presently.
Courtesy and respect can go a long way, long
enough that you may hear what the other
actually means rather than what you think they
may have said, or how you feel they live their
life based on a few hours being in their space
in a week.
Life could be amazing for everyone
with just a little more understanding that
maybe selling your soul for an extra few bucks
isn't exactly helping the rest of us out.
Sometimes things aren't how they seem though
like a magician misleading one to believe
in the illusion, while he knows exactly how
to please them, coax them into seeing
what the illusionist wishes them to see.
By whatever means possible.
Perhaps we can pull a big illusion of our own
and change the world ourselves.
One by one, just have a little courtesy and respect
for each other and stop being so afraid of change.
Is anyone happy with the state of the world
presently? Certainly has its perks for those on the in
but the ones that don't know, wind up resentful,
sometimes. Again, my interpretation. All differences aside,
we all need food shelter clothing. Can we do this
differently? We aren't children running in the streets
so why so much bickering in politics. We can't fix our
problems by yelling at each other insisting we're right
and not being open to seeing what the other sees.
For it is only then that the world will know peace.
Offer moral advice if you must without scolding or
judgement, for again, in most cases, but not all
as I see it, can be resolved with a handshake.
Here's to a better world people, thanks forand looking at that same photo from 10 centimetersdistance. We get the experience of seeing fromwhere we are, like no other. That's cool.If we all shared these perspectivesperhaps we'd get to see the art galleryholding this photograph, rather than seeing itonly from 10cm, 3 meters, or wherever yousee it from.There is definitely more than meets the eyein this instance as most humans only have twophysical eyes from which to interpret theirvisual realities. Some are blind and hone betterskills with the other senses than sighted peopleto adapt.Perhaps we can adapt a little and be a little morepatient with each other, and ourselves. QuantumPhysics says we're all connected. If nothing else,we are all connected by this experience, collectivelyin the here and now, by being aware that othersare experiencing the same things you are andhaving a different reality based on their interpretationof how our reality had been described to them.I'm not suggesting that a duck isn't a duck or a pen notbeing a writing instrument, but if I said duck, my inflectionmay suggest to one that they were to lower theirbody to the ground and another's interpretationmay be that of a tasty meal; and ducks can be keptin a pen and the number of eggs recorded usinga pen. Much room for error here by my account,which is why it seems logical that a little morepatience and a little more courtesy and respectfor one another, may just be what the doctorordered for this world which may be seen as notvery orderly presently.Courtesy and respect can go a long way, longenough that you may hear what the otheractually means rather than what you think theymay have said, or how you feel they live theirlife based on a few hours being in their spacein a week.Life could be amazing for everyonewith just a little more understanding thatmaybe selling your soul for an extra few bucksisn't exactly helping the rest of us out.Sometimes things aren't how they seem thoughlike a magician misleading one to believein the illusion, while he knows exactly howto please them, coax them into seeingwhat the illusionist wishes them to see.By whatever means possible.Perhaps we can pull a big illusion of our ownand change the world ourselves.One by one, just have a little courtesy and respectfor each other and stop being so afraid of change.Is anyone happy with the state of the worldpresently? Certainly has its perks for those on the inbut the ones that don't know, wind up resentful,sometimes. Again, my interpretation. All differences aside,we all need food shelter clothing. Can we do thisdifferently? We aren't children running in the streetsso why so much bickering in politics. We can't fix ourproblems by yelling at each other insisting we're rightand not being open to seeing what the other sees.For it is only then that the world will know peace.Offer moral advice if you must without scolding orjudgement, for again, in most cases, but not allas I see it, can be resolved with a handshake.Here's to a better world people, thanks forsharing this planet."~Mordichai, February 3, 2013
Thanks for your continued support people, much love and happy thoughts to you all!