EDM Music Sampler
Some day we'll see how we are all connected. We are so happy right now. We don't know why but like an optimistic child anticipating the most wondrous of gifts, we patiently await the arrival of this most interesting of all,
Is that Cryptic enough for you?
Mordichai Music (& everything) UniVerse has added a new playlist to our YouTube Channel. We're not quite finished with it by any means, and will be adding more vegan friendly sound clips and music videos as time passes so be certain to SUB us and hit the little 'bell' icon so you'll be informed as soon as we add any new videos or updates.
For now, this sampler features the music of our fantastic EDM artsist, Nina Ghostflowers as well as the equally fantastic instrumental sounds of Meditations for Monsters and more to be added to this EDM Sampler Playlist soon.
Have a great rest of your day people and others. We'll catch up later.