2013 promises to be an interesting year at Mordichai Music (& everything). We are relocating the #MonsterVoodooFunhouse for many reasons. The first being that we've outgrown our space, thanks to the incredible support by you, in all of our genres. Thank you.
Just before the new year, Ozkan released their debut "Dragon $ummary" and Acidic Dreamtime Players released their long-awaited debut "Dot Matrix" as well as our newest artist UNK BEN who released his debut simply titled "The Album."
So what does the New Year have to offer for you from #MordichaiMusic ?
A new album from aBSYNTh of dEATh to start. "asperations of Gold" as they call it, is aBSYNTh of dEATh's second album and is said to have 17 tracks for old fans and new to enjoy. UNK BEN is already working on his second release as well. Both albums can be expected in the coming weeks.
In 2012 our beloved founder and mostly fearless leader, Mordichai had released a short book of poetry titled "absolution (how to feed dragons)," {visit on Facebook} and is expected to release a somewhat larger volume of his works. This next volume will include still art from the ever eclectic and prolific Mordichai.
All in all we're very excited to provide you with more entertainment for your enjoyment in 2013.
We thank you all once again for your support through 2012 and continued support through this new year.
All the best!