Socially Accepted by Mordichai
Let the animals out they say. We are amused by that. Fortunately, we like to be amused.
Isn't that a pretty book cover? It's the latest release from the Mordichai Music (& everything) Universe. Mordichai is currently in the process of publishing some short stories in the near future. No definite date set at this point but as always if you subscribe to this blog, our Facebook Page, or Twitter for up-to-date alerts and notifications.
This book I'd recommend to anyone. Seriously. Here's why. If you have an Instagram account, go visit @MordichaiMusic, and view it in grid mode as that's the way we intended it to be seen. Our mission here is ART first and foremost, so we make an effort to demonstrate this in all that we do. Our works as a record label primarily are to produce music. Along with that comes tons of awesome photography, graphic art and design as well as many laughs and shenanigans.
Edge Of My World by Mordichai
Socially Accepted is a collection of images created by Mordichai, who is no stranger to the world of professional photography and fine art, as he's an active seller of photographs to Getty Images as well as EyeEm. and EyeEm Premium; designed dozens of album covers, t-shirts, hoodies and even paintings.
Don't take our word for it, click the Socially Accepted links to get a copy and see for yourself.
Mordichai's Lost Sole Emporium by Mordichai
Electric Guitars Melting by Mordichai
'Inception' pillow M4M by Mordichai