A Little About Us For Newbies and New Fans

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A Little Bit About Us:

Picture yourself listening to something different other than the same old radio music? Well now you can fulfill that dream with some great new music from the undertakers of indie music @ Mordichai Music (& everything) UniVerse™. Yeah, we used to be solely underground artists, but now we've emerged from 'neath our rocks and caves to gather together inside the multidimensional portal which is the Mordichai Music (& everything) UniVerse™, spread our wings, and try our best not to blind y'all with our dark luminescence. Not saying we're evil, not by any means. Just saying when most of the artists we produce are recording in minor keys, it sounds kind of dreary in the headphones and hallways of the studio.

Our hearts and souls are in our music, which is why we've avoided the mainstream for so long, many of us performing in bands or solo for minimal crowds, and some for none at all. Used to be that we'd record on little 4 track recorders and mix them down the best we could before releasing them on limited edition cassette tapes. We're lightyears ahead of that now in our technology, and our eco-friendly artists and bands are pleased as punch at the idea that their busted up CDs won't end up in the landfill if fans simply buy the digital album. Saves on the whole carbon footprint thing.
Oh, and for our ReverbNation subscribers, we apologize for ReverbNation's decision to remove the "Music For Good" program. Our label staff, musicians, producers, bands and artists alike are all working together so that we may all find a great new charity or charities or causes to help support with your blessed help.

As always, thanks listening, watching, reading and dreaming the RedbluEDream!




Why you found us:

We offer an eclectic array of indie music ranging from grunge to contemporary classical, new punk and metal hybrids, electronic dance music (EDM), industrial, electronica, experimental, and sometimes even some unclassifiable audio stimulation.
More than a dozen music videos, band shirts and other merchandise featuring the art of Mordichai (our beloved founder) are available to aid and assist in the full digestion of the aforementioned 'audio stimulation.' Check out our Artist Roster links in the menu to explore the color or colors which resonate best with you personally.