Hessistant ~ Finally After All This Time


Mordichai Music (& everything) UniVerseTM is proud to announce the birth of a new release from Hessistant.  This unassuming five track EP titled Finally After All This Time features a solo piano and that's about it.  There is a little whimsical surprise hidden within one of the tracks however.  

Finally After All This Time runs just under 19 minutes, with it's longest track just over the 6 minute mark.  The whole project came about as a result of the production of the next full length album from Hessistant.  There were moments of haste wherein the Hessistant players had discovered that these little piano solos deserved to be compiled into a little package of their own, and thus released as their own entity apart from the makings of the more intricate up-coming LP.  However it has obviously run it's course and worked itself out as most things do.  Kind of funny how that works.

This little 5 track wonder will be available from the AmazonMP3 store (as well as here, @ our Amazon Powered store) within the next few weeks.  

We look forward to sharing it with you.  To find out the moment it becomes available, you can follow @Hessistant or @MordichaiMusic on Twitter, 


 For the Marijuana enthusiasts, recreational or medicinal smokers wherever it's legal to do so, there is a track running 4:20 (four minutes and twenty seconds), which if I'm not mistaken, may be right up your alley.  Perhaps one could enjoy it while sampling some of the Cannabis Cup winners, ya never know, we're just saying is all.

Next time we visit, we'll have more on the debut releases from our new bands, 

Stargate Tours 


imagined fears

 as well as when the new material from 

aBSYNTh of dEATh
Acidic Dreamtime Players

and more...
become available.

Until then, put on your favorite music, and remember:



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